have you ever wondered the reason why people ask themself what the meaning of life is me too cuz its a retarded question the real question is - why do people ask themselves this question this thought should never appear in ur head, if it does, something has alredy gone wrong its like a starving africa child askig why stomak hurts - u are hungry, dumas the answer (to the real question) is: 1. your perception of the meaning of your life is largely dependent on its importance to the group. no obvious purpose = why do i exist 2. for the vast majority of ppl, this relative importance of their existence will diminish with increasing group size because of these two sub-truthfacts, perception of meaning is inversely proportional to the scale of the society u exist within. the full einstein formula presented here in mathspeak is: I = 1/S where I = ur importance, and S = size of ur society. this is in fact a simplified formula that doesnt take into account the edge case of tiny S, humen are not made for this either, and of course small but dysfunctional societys can come to exist, temporarily and under unusual circumstances, but the point is i dont think u can have extrem large ones that still function to serve human interests evolution adapts an organism to its environment. this adaptation mechanism doesnt respond instantly, in fact it can take millions of years to make significant changes for most of humans existence S was small seen from a modern perspective (most likely on the order of ~50pplz or watever). in extremely recent times this number has exploded, groups have merged into bigger and bigger blobs, and aditionally the environment has changed in gorillion other ways as a result of extrem levels of industrialization enabled by these fat blobs the adaptation mechanism has had no chance to update the hardware in your head for this rapid change in environment maybe if the increased rate of change was sustained for another couple milion years u could imagine that the adaptation mechanism itself would adapt to that, but it seems much more likely that the mismatch will simply continue to grow until it some kind of adjustment is forced, and things will return to something closer to normal on their own (this might take another 400years tho) so what is S these days? depends where you live, but assuming 1st world: (ur probably reading this on the state of the art okeveb www. on 2nd thought maybe this is not a good assumption to make, since it is extremely likely that this book will be translated to all languages in the future) in effect, billions - the blobs have just kept merging until the entire planet surface is filled by just a small (and smallening) # of gigantic hyperblobs, presed against each other and competing for space why has this happened? dunno but here're some random thouhgts: tecnology has driven increases in "movement radius", "communication radius", and "trade radius" (u can make world spaning economies with huge bandwidth), all of which contribute directly to feasibility of biger blobs also ppl have gone and invented technologys like artificial fertilizer and very efficient conveyor belts into mouths of infinite-ppl-sewer residents, that make 10x ppl-density posible, and makes negative efects negativer this stuff combined with no natural resistance to blobification at least paints part of the picture. wheres this resistance? the curent extreme extent of this has before now not been enconuterd in evolutionary history, and so human hardware still prioritizes regard for short term minor inconvenience over long term catastrophic consequences. brb i have fortnite game starting in 20sec hyperblob cannot run on default humans, it would instantly crumble hyperblob can be made to "work" (not instantly crumble) in 1 of 2 ways: manually make modifications to human genome to turn people into something more like ants. this is impossible to do correctly and any atempt would likely lead to an even more dysfunctional outcome. imagine small childrens making modifications to an f-16 fighter jet to make it able to fly under water or smth alternatively, (this is the current implemented solution) u create a environment/machine that systematically breaks people psychologically and turn their initially functional human brain with human psychological features into a disarmed device that in effect exhibits ant-like behavior couple of features of typical antized human (humant): 1. mostly has no will of its own, 99.7% of behavior is determined by what it observes adjacent ants to be doing (from here on referred to as AA's) 2. accepts orders and rules without questions, in fact doesnt ask questions in general. not even secretly inside own ant head. thus not only left with no will, but also no ability to think for itself. resulting in, among other stuff, a total inability to "zoom out" and see the biger picture of its miserabl existence. it will of corse still feel the pain, but will not be able to point to the source 3. will repeat information without performing any kind of independent evaluation of the information first. the only requirement is that the ant in question perceives a majority of AA's to be emitting the same information. this feature makes possible large networks of repeaters/signal amplifiers that will aid in dissemination of arbitrary nonsense (critical for functioning and survival of hyberblob) 4. can be made to perform virtually any action indirectly through control of adjacent ants. theres a small magic trick here: to control the first ant u simply convince it that its not the first one to take action, easily done in a world where most information in ones head doesnt originate from first hand observation 5. perfectly willing to hyperspecialize (turn a self into cog, or cogize) on whatever is currently in demand regardless of whether this aligns with its natural interests or not, and subsequently dedicate a significant portion of its lifetime working (knowingly or not) for the continuation of the blob. this effort is motivated artificially by salary (which gives the ant access to food, shelter, clothes, various endless sources of entertainment, etc that the blob provides) as well as social status and superficial acceptance from its constantly morphing set of loosely associated AA peers. this type of motivation is in opposition to the natural motivation to contribute to a relatively static non-blob small-S local economy/community interconected by strong social bonds that a human might be part of: direct and mutual usefulness, interactions that are inherently meaningful cuz they match the environment ur skull-hardware has evolved for. imagine u wake up in mornig and want to "go to worK" 6. is satisfied with this arrangement as long as the blob continues to provide them with their basic needs for survival + infinite stream of sewer tier entertainment/substitutes for real life (tv/u-tube/netflux/minecraft/facebork/reddik/activism) and in many cases, coktail of mind disabling pharmaceuticals that help to "close the gap" the antization process happens trough a number of identifiable channels - primarily the "educational" system and media (boomertv/papers, twatter or otherwise), and is helped by uncritical dissemination of nonsense information enabled by AA's (to clarify, nonsense information may or may not serve a specific purpose. perhaps most of the time it doesnt, or only serves some trivial $-generating purpose, but this channel can be utilized by lizards for achieving watever political goals whenever they see fit) also, simply existing for a while in this system where no real options exist will eventually result in most humans being ground down until give up on trying to make sense of world and instead submit to the nonsense existence by coming up with all kinds of contrived internal justifications for the way things are, and embracing these (this is wat grown up ppl call growing up, and the period before this occurs is wat they call teenage rebelion) in addition to adjusting internal human behavior, it is also necessary to replace various natural mekanizms that work automatically but only at small scales with artificial, formalized mekanizms that work at large scales. there are circuits in ur head that prevent u from killing ur brother, stealing from ur father, eating all the food other ppl gathered without contributing anyhting urself, engaging in other kinds of anti social behavior. ur brain is wired to make u feel bad if u do these things but it only works well when ur dog brain understands u are a part of this group of ppl. so in a blob environment, the partial malfunction of these circuits must be compensated for with rules to prevent u from killing and stealing, salary to prevent u from slacking, private property, money and markets to prevent u from benefiting unfairly from what used to be common resources and to implement an explicit "i owe u" mekanizm. theres also a class of problems that only exist in industrialized society like the possibility of destroying natural resources, for which u need artificial regulations these replacements seem to work better than nothing for most part, but since they are man made aproximations rather than evolved, are highly imperfect and cause all kinds of problems in all places where the fit is bad - market failures, ambigous ownership of property, abuse of loopholes, manipulation of legislative processes and so on the hyperblob machinery requires a large number of cogs to function, and will therefore be configured to produce a steady stream of new cogs to replace old and worn out ones (this is the actual purpose of the entire educational system). these cog-ants in turn depend on the hyperblob to exist, they are in a perpetual state comparable to the one of a child depending on its parents for everything, and so cannot possibly deant themselves once antized. any individual ant in isolation is entirely useless and pathetic, as it only possesses highly specialized skills and has no capacity to expand its skillset. this capacity has long been annihilated by school brainwashing it into thinking that learning = "memorizing information handed to you" and doing = "following recipes you have memorized" if u doubt these facts, the realization that bicycle repair shops exist and make money should immediately convince you that you are mistaken. 5mm allen key and 1mg of common sense are the only things required to repair anything on a bicycle. maybe a spaner to remove wheels human->ant is a one way transformation, and will continue to destroy generations for the foreseable future, at least without some kind of subversive organization on the part of the ants, which is extremely unlikely considering the transformation in most cases completely destroys ability to think. not all humans are fully antizable, but even the ones that arent will still suffer the effects of partial antization as well as having to live among ants of course, unless they completely isolate themselves from the blob very early on, whcih may be desirabl in many ways but is not any kind of proper solution, given the lonely existence and genetic dead end u condemn urself to