gentlemen we have reached a special stage in history where animel has grown wrinkly and started to becom capabl of seing far into future, and conciously organising a selfs into larger and more powerful blob-organisms (primitive replicator -> cell -> animel -> ogaboga tribe -> city-state -> blob-organism), theoreticly capabl of quite intresting stuf the only animel capabl of doing this stuf at the moment is known as human sapiens unfortunatly these new organisms havent grown a hed with functional eyes and brian yet, so they are at the moment just randomly waving arms and legs like anoying and useless newborn beby, exept broken so insted of growing more and more sensible they are rapidly self-destructing is it posible to atach a brian to these otherwise doomed things and seize control over their nervous sistems idk but if it was, or if we could make new ones that work, now or later, wat should we make them do gentlemen i present to u the anser which is to clean the workbench full of old dust and cluter, calculate new values from grount up, starting with a fundamental axiomatic value that is compatible with the natural "purpose" of life as Dog intended, ending up with a calculated description of ideal organizational structure of the blob-organisms, the societys, as well as directions for the mans within it the only starting value that makes any sense is simply "life > absence of life", anything else is either a suicidal value or a non-fundamental one derived from this one other silly feeble-minded atempts like "maximize hapyness" or "reduction of suffering" or watever are provably retarded, since all emotions, pain and plesure along with their trigers are evolved properties (with FUNCTIONS) of a specifical animel, and can be changed through genetic means - u could create a animel that is hapy all the time and fels no pain, but it would just go extinct almost imediatly cuz u have broken it, how it supose to know not to stick its hed in a bonfire animels need arrows of varying sizes in their head pointing to wat to do next, and become directionless comfused and self destructive if these disaper some arows are biger and point further ahed in time (ned to repair snowmobil before winter) and some are smaler and more imediate (ned to boil gofe) todey the only arows in ppls life are smal stupid and sad the proposed "life" value constitutes the bigest conceivable arrow with bigest "area of influence", it encompases the entire erthly organism, and is perfectly aligned with the arrow handed to us by Dog, in fact it is the same exact arow. our first task is to derive the gorect smaller arrows from this one this task is not so easy, not even ur boy sykel can do it in 5min, but below is a initial atempt at growing the first branches from the root, incl rationales for each node, should be comsidered a living structure that must evolve into somthing much more precise and concise and biger. print it and plaster it al over town, hav the most wrinkly men of the world think about it, ATAK it with hamer, smashig all weakness inacuracy and redundancy, forge it into undisputably diamond perfect shape then if somone is found to wilfuly take action's that are counter to the sacred values, suicidal action's, they should be exposed, ridiculed, feeded to dogs if necesary (how many todey would be feeded to dogs by this standard) ultimat purpose of life is a secondary concern, watever it is u can figure out later. first order of bisnes is ensuring survival, so let that be the proximate purpose. it wil keep u occupied "forever" anyway ultimat purpose might even be meaningles thing to consider at al, probalby the concept of purpose breks down if u look too far ahed if u boil soup to long it vaporize ok get to vork -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --value's life axiomatic sustainable life life is useless if it dosnt last over time powerful life power = capacity to impose will on world = ability to effectively head in direction of the bigest arow inteligence the most power-giving property, human is weaker than goriller but can make goriller extinct if it wants. wrinkly brian > big goriler muscle human can also detect with his teleskopes astroid headig towards erth that is sure to wipe out al life (incl funguses and cockroches that u might at first think is more resilient than complex humen) and send dinasour goo powred roket to it and give it litle push so it dosent organizational capability create new biger and powerfuler organisms that can put monky and shit in space etc energy efficiency more useful output with less input, there is limited stuf to input dont waste the dinasour goo on 300milion fatbergs driving 3ton disel mobility scooters to mcdolan and back helth abilty to survive chinese ebolas and such physical strength, speed, agility less necesary once hav wrinkle but ok to hav adaptable life we dies if cant react to changes in environment genetic adaptation changes physical aspects of organisms which might be necesary, eg. need more iqs to escape erth before sun boil ocean slow, requires only hardware individual adaptation changes how one individual acts a certain degree of specialization is optimal so can pley to ones strengts the degre varies depending on a mans exact brainular properties very fast, requires hardware, software help ppls to figuring out their strengts early in life so they can reach there maximum potential proper edumacation in the art of learning thers many ways to learn wrong and waste time and energy cultural adaptation changes how individuals interact with eachother facilates them acting and learning as biger more powerful organisms fast, requires hardware, software, language powerful language to oil gears of the "emergent brian" of biger organism rapid adaptation this is not another type of adaptation but rather a property of them fast changing environment requires fast reactions broad search if encounter a more advanced life than we - shoudl we kil ourselfs? no: its inconcevable that it never ocured at som point in our own evilutionary history that our ancestors were NOT the most advanced species on the plamet. if they aplied kil self logic we would not be here some branches turn out later to be ded ends, hencethus - broad serch, multiple projects, redundancy etc asteroid resilient life to avoid inevitabl astroid events diversification in space increase the astroid event area of efect required to wipe al life predictive adaptation this is not another type of adaptation but rather a mode of adapation, oposed to the defalt mode of reactive adapatation the fastest posible adaptation is reacting to precise predictions enabled by a ability to acurately model world and simulate the future its not to be prefered since it is less precise than the reactive mode, but necesary for surviving astroid events that must be seen ahed of time this means in practice for example modifying culture ahead of time cuz of upcoming problems that become apparent, or structuring the societies in ways that encourage breading of special animels with special properties for example superior inteligence capabl of seing distant problems and devising solutions for them, or superior energy efficiency capabl of surviving long trip in space (this is only example, we is stil to dumb to know exactly wat propertis is needed, so start with superior inteligence) if u think this is som nasi eugenics shit i invite u to realize that any societal structure u bild on top of nature has efect of creatig selective presures in some direction or other - curent structure pushes humen back towards worm or worse - more dumbtarded, weak, obedient, low-integrity, psychopathic, unhealthy, dependent on fragile technology, etc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --terminology's asteroid event anything that will wipe all life in its area of effect exists on all scales but more frequent on smaller scales (single ionizing gama foton hits a cell -> snail explodes in bonfire -> ice age nukes a species -> astroid hits earth -> solar system runs out of fuel -> galaxy runs out stars) only 2 ways to survive them, diversification (expand life beyond area of efect) or prediction (foresee the event and either prevent it or move out of way) reactive adaptation applies to al types of adaptation (gentic,individiual,cultural) automatic precise after the fact good enuf until asteroid event predictive adaptation applies to al types of adaptation (gentic,individiual,cultural) manual less precise ahead of time required to survive asteroid event