this bok about dinasour goo can u make a monky brethe sulfuric acid obviously not, but why cuz monky is a evolved spageti system, rather than a designed, modular system it has come into existence in a environment rich in oxigen, it has had continous access to semingly endles quantities of the stuff during the course of its automatic assembly making monky brethe anything else than oxigen would require changes at the cell lvl, not so easy as replacing a litle module somewhere u would have to make new monky from grount and it wil not lok much like old monky the pyramid of dinasour goo powred technology, industrial civilization, is, simliar to monky, a "organism" evolved in environment with semingly endless quantities of dinasour goo available for chep. this organism brethe oil cole and methan like monky brethe oxigen, its cells and veins, the mines, factorys, suply chain infrastructure et cetra are all highly dependent on stikcy t rex goo. this organism has come into being in recent times, rufly last 200 years, not very long but long enuf for evrybody who is alive todey to believe that cars and truks that deliver fod to ur grocery store grow on trees, that they are "part of nature" dinasour goo exists in limited quantity, making the pyrmid in its current form unsustainable, so now the drooling retards "we" for some raisin have allowed into the cockpit of the airplane we are all stuck on are now go "ok we fix problem lets start replacig the pyrmid stones at the top!" the rest of pyramid is somone else problem who cares what about elong musk he save us u can take electric teslamobil and pick it apart and lok at any part, for exaple insignificant plastic cover. wat does the total industrial aparatus required to make 1 of these parts look like? does its mining operations use tesla model B buldozer? the factorys are suplyd with electrons from solar elon cell? suply routes tesla cargo ship design by elong musk? what about fact that all human-maked machines have limited lifespan and must be replaced? most "repairs" really consist of gradualy replacing the whole machine, part by part. a machine thuswise canot exist, over time, in isolation from the industrial aparatus suplying it with a constant stream of replacment parts. this also gose for for example solar elon cell, wind turbine, or even francis turbine teslamobil and such is good symbol of the total and complete idiocy of the common man modus operation - we must get rid of the evil exhaust pipe from end user field of vision, so problem is solved. swep the cockroaches under the rug and relak enjoy cokcroach free zuckergram luxury lifestyle with chapmagne drink in complicated glas consumermaggots want as cheap and plentiful dinasour goo enabled producs as posibl so they can continue to be as consumermaggot as posible goo industry wants to borow as much as posibl to expand, extract and profit as fast as posibl banks want to lend as much fake mony as posibl to recv as many intrest payments as posibl the iron triangle of self-reinforcing downs syndrome is complete, there is nothing to brake or direct the release of energy, hence its not a roket but a explosion, a dumbtarded explosion - a challenger, not a saturn5 wats left after explodig roket evrybody knows