do u wish to learn how to dominate people around u with bricklaying, choping onions, welding or glokenspil playig lok no further, here i have written down definitive guide on the learning teqniques and principles i collectively refer to as "world domination mode" first of all, for this teqniqes to work, u need working brian and senses, which u might not have. in which case u need to activate them humans living in the horific nightmare that is 21nd century modern "society" are from day1 taught to not trust their own brian and own senses, turn them off, and outsource these functions to the much wiser crowd, or the profesionals, or the scientifical xperts with triple gilded phd i dont know how to achieve this activation as i never had this problem, maybe sombody else can write tutorial for that its posible u simply ned the valuable personality trait of infinite arogance but i supose also, som ppl are just born without brian and senses, if this is u, 2 bad second, u must escape xray sewer - see xray sewer book now u are ready to begin dominating: for any muscl memory type skil, there is a fundamental tradeoff between sped and precision, regardless of skil lvl rather than making the comon mistake of selecting the sped first and acepting the precision u end up with, the aproach of selecting the precision first and accepting the sped u end up with (and keeping it that way without ever sliping back into sped-first mode - u must be vigilant) is the key to world domination. for a specified precision, ur skil lvl determines what sped u can achieve this precision at for example, u wish to pley melody x on glokenspil, not just pley the right notes but u have very specific idea of exactly wat u want it to sound like. even if u have never touched a glokenspil u can probably create this sound, given enough time for each note or chord. maybe it takes 20h to get through the melody, but in the end u were physicly capabl of do it as long as u are physicly capabl of doing somthing u would be suprised at the sped its posible to do the same thing once its fuly automated. the fastest way to achive desired sped is to aply world domination mode principles u have 2 limited resources - time and finkers: u have limited waking hours avalable before u are ded corpse or ur body is to old and broken to do anything u also probably canot perform ur activity for 100% of these hours, since u wil destroy ur hands there4 it is critical to make best posible use of these resouces evry time u perform any sequence of movments with ur body, u slightly automate this sequence. if u repeat this same sequence many enough times it becoms fully automated, and u can do it without paying atention to the body movements once a sequence is fuly automated, the sped u perform it at can be changed at will no problems (up to the point of physical limits of ur body). so the sped is for som reason not a part of the sequence. idk why but that how it is (or i know why but its irelevant to this book) il continue using glokspil example cuz this principles is most obviously aplicabl to pleying instruments but kep in mind it work for any muscl memory type skil where u can select the sped urself and posibly other things also to some extent the critical thing to realize is that ur brian dos NOT understand the difrence betwen pleying a melody wrong and pleying it gorekt - evry time u pley an eror, u contribute to automating the eror. if u pley the same eror evry time u reach a point in a song, u fully automate the eror over time. there4 priority#1 is to make it a habit to NEVER make erors, regardles of vether u think u are "practisig" or "performing" or watever, it dosnt mak a difrence to ur brian how to never make erors is simply to always prepare the next litle part of melody u is about to pley by dialing in a sped that u know u wil be able to pley it perfectly at. this means u wil probably end up modulating sped up and down through the song as u get to parts of varying "current lvl of automation". before u have warmed up, and also specialy when ur body temprature is cold for exampl in morning, u will most likely have to dial the sped VERY low! the higher % of the time u can maintain the gorekt mindset the faster u wil inprove. evry time u make eror u have wasted precious time and finker resources and chiped a smal piece away from youre own maximum potential, if u keep making erors u will after 20 years hav blasted away 95% of ur potential - this is #1 reason som ppl end up suking even after doing somthing for very long time and others end up in ranks of divine elite masters of their craft if u make eror u must shock ur self with 4000v dog colar if u pley a 5 bar song perfectly, exept for one of the bars, the changes to sequence u are trying to automate looks like this: +1 +1 +1 -1 +1, where -1 is the eror. u have become beter at al the bars that were easy and worse at the one u strugled with. therefore, given that u ideally want to achive equal goodness at evry bar in song, the correct response to playing a eror is to go bak and repeat the same part over and over until u can pley it perfectly, 5 times in a row. now the changes perhaps look like +1 +1 +1 +4 +1, u improve evrything but u imrpove the stuf that was dificult more, so this aproach ends up equalizing the goodness across the song over time whenever u reach wat fels like a plateu, remedy is simple - u just evolve wats considered a eror meby previously only "pleying wrong note" was considered eror, now u raise bar by evolving to consider "corect note but not perfect sounding one" a eror, then later "corect and perfect sounding note but slightly wrong volume" is eror, etc u can continue this upwards ratcheting of bar indefinitly and becom as good as u want and have time+finker resources for, also asuming u have ear that works and is able to tel that 1 way of pleying somthing sounds beter than another next, u must never lose sight of wat the purpose of wat u are doing is if pleying a instrumentt, the purpose is always - to make good sounds, anything else like for exaple "how other ppl do", "how u supose to" etc - irelevant aply the divine principls u have learned from this book evry dey to make the sounds u produce beter than they were yestedey, alvasy loking for new ways 2 improve any smal stuf that dosnt sound as god as the other stuf never let urself get into groove of pleyig like machine, goig through motions mindlessly and earlessly and without power. if u catch urself drifting towards somthig like that, u are probably tired of the thing ur playig and have to find somthig else to pley for a while, u can return to the thing ur tired of now later nextnext, should u practice scales up and down like all the guys in ur favorite utube videos do? NO!!!!!!!!!! NO NO NO!! no my guy no u aks why not lord sykel ok close utube tab we must first paint a precise picture of the structure of a skill inside the brian like many things its a layered pyramid where each layer depends on the one below it obviously, the more u play a something, the easier it gets to learn new songs on the something this is becuz part of the pyramid structure inside ur head that makes u capable of playing song x is shared with the structure that makes u capable of playing song y - ur brian is reusing some of the bilding bloks from the lower layers. thus the amount of stuf u must build to lern 1 new song keeps decreasing the more songs u know in total if u play random scales up and down or somthing similar without musical context, u are efectively picking low bilding blokcs, almost at random, and perfecting these what the scale guys are doing is arogantly assuming they have a good sense of which ones to pick, not realizing they end up spending a lot of time polishing bloks most of which they will never need and implicitly neglecting bloks they WILL need. another effect of this is that they then end up being more inclined to use the tools they are disproportionately good at using, rather than other, posibly more musicaly appropriate tools, ultimatly resulting in bad and boring interpretations of the music. they are commiting a dumbtardation of the highest order! specialy considering that the correct algo is so simple - begin from the busines end, selecting the songs u wish to pley and how u want to pley them (or do this with improvisation if thats ur thing) and use this material like the scale guys are using random scales. u are always working from within a proper musical context, not detached from the ultimate purpose of wat u are doing - to make good sounds. scale up and down in isolation is not music, it doesnt sound good or intresting or anything. ur body will also wisely resist if u try doing this kind of stuff, by telling u "this is fucking boring and gay" by repeating the sections of a song that are currently dificult for u to pley, u are automaticly selecting for refinement the low, reusable blokcs that u are actualy using, instead of guessing. remember, u select wrong, u waste time, u sabotage ur future peak realization of ur maximum potential, violating the Principle of Maximum Greatness that the author of okeveb books works so hard to instill in his readers final note this one is for extreme ppl only guys. if u are not a extreme person, u may close this book, good bye thank for reading ok only extreme ppl left in the room, good time to brek out the serious tools after u hav pleyed glokspil for a while u will undergo pokemon evolution where u become able to see the instrument inside ur hed, and simulate pleying it, to a certain degre of acuracy (the simulation is somwat flawed of corse) the col thing is that this mental pleying affects ur state of learning just as if u were pleying physicaly - u can test this easily by lerning a new simple song that u have never pleyed before, read notes and figure out how to pley it inside hed, exactly where to move hands and finkers and so on, practic it mentaly until fels easy enuf, then pik up real instrument and be amased that u can now pley somthing u have never pleyed physicaly this teqniq is limited by the acuracy of ur simulation, which increases with physical pleying time. but u can for exaple lern new songs mentaly, then polish the details on the physical instrument, a proces where the full acuracy is required u can use this to overcome limits of finker resources and other stuf that u canot avoid wasting time on - pley while waiting for slep, on bus, drivig, valking down stret, at borig diner, sitig in company meting, waitig in line at grocery stor