reality is reality and it dosent actualy exists in meanigful sense outside of constelations of mater (for exaple brian) capable of forming a concepts of "existence" and "meaning" brian-local format (BLF) is wat information about reality is stored in inside a specific brian, it exists outside the realm of verbal languge and so is not gompatible with any other brians, so even if u and someone else had elon musk chip u cant transfer this information directly betwen brians verbal languge (from now on "languge") is the bigest puzle peace of a imperfect, eror prone, low bandwidth means of converting betwen brian-local formats languge as it exists inside a brian is a big bal of words where the words inside the bal are simply defined in terms of other words ("fruit = aple,babana,orage.."), and then the words on the surface of the bal, the root words, have direct conections to something in this brians BLF ("aple" = unspekable internal concept of a aple) ther are of cours no cycles, imblying that if u folow the definitions of any word u always end up at the surface its a bal cuz its in fact embeded in the BLF (how else), and its surface conects it to other stuf in the BLF finaly there is physical devices for rx/txing languge, ear and mouf respectivly so if A wants to tel B something, there is information stored in brian A in its brian-local format BLF-A, that A wants to make B construct for himself an as close a match as posible for in BLF-B so they set up the half duplex (data/ack/pls retransmit/pls clarify/questions) transmision line BLF-A - lang-A - air - lang-B - BLF-B this process is not infinitely precise and in fact quite unprecise for various raisins not limited to: 1. brian-local formats are never entirely compatible, cuz they are personal software, consisting of a very large number of abstractions (most of which are also not easily translatable into words), veloped by the individuals, mostly during the earli life human bootstraping procedure, ie. not part of the common hardware, such as for exaple pure emotions are (ignoring the relatively smal difrences in hardware) - there is no guarante that ppl will come up with the same exact software, and one shouldent expect it either. however most of the time it will be close enuf to make many cooperative task's fesible (and this is inded the test that enables u to later on velop a useful internal version of ur mother languge - dose the lang apear to enable u to sucesfuly transmit and recv information) 2. languge, the means of conversion, can only easily (using a simple dependency chain of few and fairly general nodes) represent a smal subset of the abstractions found in the BLF. imagine trying to construct and use a langugage that enables u to gommunicate precisely the exact muscle movments required for riding a bicycel that enables someone else to learn it without ever physicaly riding one 3. altho theoreticaly u can have perfect agrement acros brians on the "proximate" definition of non-root words (but in practice even for these u dont, most of the time), no such agrement can ever be had for the root words, which means that the thing ppl perceive as a shared structure is built on a inescapably greasy foundation 4. certainty is greasy - deserves seprate book but in sumary theres no such thing as 100% certainty, u can only aproach it, and often its way below. this includes for exaple the certainty of ur own clasification of physical objects for exaple aples 5. even inside a single BLF the root words are not precisely defined since the BLF content itself is greasy, it sufers from certainty problems and can also change from day to day, imagin performing exaple 1 down below on just urself multiple times in a row 6. information is routinely omited to save time cuz it is expected that the counterparty wil be able to infer it from the context, which it dosnt always do corectly 7. potetial for al kinds of other subtel misunderstandings that never get gorrected - the source of many disagrements exaple 1 - aple is greasy even the simplest words like aple dont mean the same thing in ppls heds, if a guy have in hand somthig that another guy also agre is a aple, then take a bite, do they stil agre, take another bite etc. in the end u have nothig left in hand - did they agre on the exact moment it stoped beig aple literature and philosophy DEBUNKED? probably not, it doesnt mean aple is useles, rather that thers a limited usefulnes to concept of "aple" which depends on the required level of compatibility of the aple BLF representations for a particular purpose - if u tel someone go buy 3 aples in store they wil probably come bak with wat u wanted exaple 2 - numbers is greasy since we dont agre on wat a aple is, i can have 3 aples in a basket that u think contains 4 aples mathematics and science INVALIDATED? not neceserily, but their useful aplication is at least limited simliarily to the other exaple dont let anybody tel u things are not as greasy as they arE