if u keep adding positive numbers to a sum u always get bigger number if u keep multiplying positive factors into a product u dont necesarily see the same kind of thing, factors smaler than 1.0 will make number go down the problem we r going to talk about todey is that many ppl think of stuff as big sums instead of a product of stuff this is a bit too simple since in reality the factors are not independent of each other (an ingredient might correspond to some factor in one context and a different one in another context. things would be a bit unintresting if this wasnt the case, just multiply together all >1.0 ingredients in existence to get optimal thing) but u get the idea, adding more stuff to something can make the result WORSE imagine a universe where betoven moonlight sonata wasnt known, then one day somebody digs up an early draft of the thing from some dusty attic. most of the important stuff is present but its lacking a few passages here and there to tie the thing together into a coherent masterpeace. this universe is kinda weird and for some reason axl rose is assigned to the task of finishing it up. axl takes a look at the draft, thinking yep this skeleton sure needs some meat on the bone, immediately gets to work adding drum fills and a sick ass solo by slash in the end an equivalent thing happened in the real universe to the game jebcraft, formerly known as minecraft. notch persson made a cool unfinished game (it lacks a challenge and therefore is not a complete game), made a bunch of mony off it, then as a prank hired this guy jeb bergenstein to "finish it up". jeb bergenstein proceeds to add 200diff types of blocks, a buncha complexity mostly in the form of static content (villages full of retarded downs-syndrome noise making inhabitants, weird alternate hell dimension with DRAGON, scary undersea temples, weird potions and magic stuff that u can do to items to make them glow blue or watever, the list goes on but im getting physically ill). jeb bergenstein succeeded in tacking on enough <1.0 factors to render jebcraft a disgusting desecration of notchs unfinished work. that lady who fixed up that jesus painting has a lot to learn here when faced with something suboptimal (or "incomplete" as they would say, regardless of whether the thing is actually incomplete or too complete), ppl often have this auto thought "hmm, wat is mising" and almost never "hmm, wat shud be removed". if ur food tastes like shit, wat spice to add. if ur sick, wat drug do i need. maybe ur food sux cuz u put some stupid shit in it and maybe u r constantly exposed to something that makes u ill the italians understand this shit, thats why they food is so sick. rather than adding a bunch of random shit they keep the list of ingredients small and privileged, the carefully selected factors multiply into a nice big number. it isnt hard to bring to mind countless examples of various numbskulls "improving" on these classic recipes by adding more stuff. this is not to say improvements are completely impossible, but u are fighting centuries of recipe evolution just in case u happen to be one of these ppl who think taste is completely subjective, lets for completeness quickly go trhoguh why this couldnt be more wrong. its very simple: humans are mostly the same, with some tiny variations, and therefore mostly like the same stuff. objectively good stuf stands the test of time. u dont always know if something is good or bad initially, and the more time has passed the clearer it becomes - the noise is forgotten, leaving only the stuff worth storing in our collective memory. this is not a random process, its just thats the calculation is difficult and takes a while