console variables ---------------------------------------------------------------- cfgdir path to config file directory extdir path to external levels directory recdir path to replays directory offlinedir path to offline levels directory lgrdir path to lgr directory width_full fullscreen window width height_full fullscreen window height width_win windowed window width height_win windowed window height fullscreen fullscreen mode borderless borderless fullscreen mode vsync vertical sync fps graphics framerate limit bgchill stop drawing when window out of focus freespy free spy mode zoom game zoom autozoom automatic zoom based on window size timer timer visible appletimer apple timer and count visible timerms high resolution timer timersize timerthick timercol instantturn animobj animated objects movingobj moving objects zoomtex zoom textures zoomgrass zoom grass borders zoomgrasstex zoom grass texture pics pictures visible picsbg pictures always behind bike grass grass visible defground default ground defsky default sky solidground single color ground solidsky single color sky groundcol skycol objectcol tapplecol kuskicol kuskipma solidkuski ghostcol ghostpma solidghost swapbikes customshirts camoffx camoffy lgr current lgr name rawinput spymulslow spymulfast recloop recfmt new recs default name noescrestart restart without pressing esc (enter any time) deathdelay turndebnc debouncer for turn key (set to 20 or so if have fucked up keyboard that doubleturns somtimes) nav navigator visible navwidth navheight navcenter centered navigator navzoom navobjsize navgroundcol navskycol navkuskicol navspycol navapplecol navtapplecol navkillercol navflowercol chat chat window visible chatwidth chatheight chateol netwidth ftime frametime display ftimeheight ftimescale ui_visible ui_margin ui_fg text color ui_bg ui window background color ui_atabfg ui_itabfg ui_itabbg ui_dlgbg ui_grayfg ui_timefg ui_privfg ui_publfg ui_teamfg ui_namefg ui_mergefg ui_errfg ui_selfg ui_selbg ui_scrollfg ui_timefmt ui_datefmt ui_searchtime ui_notifytime ui_notifyqtime ui_altsend ui_consolefont ui_font ui_menufont ui_chatfont ui_netfont ui_tabfont ui_titlefont host port name pwdhash showothers hidden kuski vislbe to all/team/private pubrecs ur new recs are visible to all/team/private autoconnect autodllev dl missing levs auto tm_fullscreen fullscreen on/off for test mode console commands ---------------------------------------------------------------- alias add new alias aliasrep add new alias (+key repeat) unalias remove alias unaliasall remove all alias default set cvar to default value toggle toggle cvar inc increment variable dec decrement variable incs increment variable and round to closest multiple of inc decs decrement variable and round to closest multiple of dec echo notify error exec execute file in cfg directory bind bind keys unbind unbindall defaultbinds exit tm_exit resimport import files into okeol.res from "res" dir resextract extract files from okeol.res to "res" dir autoexec run autoexec.cfg now autosave save autosave.cfg now +throttle elma keys +brake elma keys +turn elma keys +left elma keys +right elma keys +alo elma keys lev change lev spylev change lev and freespy int change lev to internal x ghost set ghost bike unghost disable ghost bike rec watch replay merge merge replays saverec save replay reset esc run play restart run +pause replay controls +rewind replay controls +fast2 replay controls +fast4 replay controls +fast8 replay controls +fast16 replay controls +fast32 replay controls +fast64 replay controls +fast128 replay controls +slow2 replay controls +slow4 replay controls +slow8 replay controls +slow16 replay controls +slow32 replay controls +slow64 replay controls +slow128 replay controls beg go to begining of replay end go to end of replay +spyup freespy controls +spydown freespy controls +spyleft freespy controls +spyright freespy controls +spyfast freespy controls +zoomin +zoomout cancel ui controls return ui controls returnalt ui controls backspace ui controls selectup ui controls selectdn ui controls scrollup ui controls scrolldn ui controls pageup ui controls pagedn ui controls tabnext ui controls tabprev ui controls refresh ui controls delete ui controls copy ui controls cut ui controls paste ui controls connect disconnect login netstats say dllev dlrec dlmerge dlwinrec recpublic battle go to battle level spybattle go to start start balle, syntax: start duration [flags] flags are f=ff a=apple balle s=shown balle example: start 15 as to start 15min shown aple balle in current lev stop stop current balle abort abort current balle abortq abort ur balle in queue spynone spynext spyprev focus ui stuf focuslast ui stuf focusnet ui stuf focuscon ui stuf focuschat ui stuf togplayers ui stuf togqueue ui stuf togbtimes ui stuf togptimes ui stuf togbatimes ui stuf togftimes ui stuf deletelev ui stuf deleterec ui stuf deletelgr ui stuf reso set new resolution [and fulscren mode] keybind syntax ---------------------------------------------------------------- bind [modes] key action modes p play r replay f freespy u ui example: bind prf f10 "toggle fullscreen" makes f10 key togle fullscreen when playing, vatching replay or frespying dosnt vork in ui mode since "u" missing from modes u can also use gombinations like shift+f10, ctrl+alt+f10 etc u can also make keys do difrent stuf on keyup/keydown like this alias +smalzom "zoom 0.3" alias -smalzom "zoom 1.5" bind prf z +smalzom wil make z key set zoom to 0.3 while its being held key names ---------------------------------------------------------------- a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 return escape backspace tab space minus equals leftbracket rightbracket backslash nonushash semicolon apostrophe grave comma period slash capslock f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 printscreen scrolllock pause insert home pageup delete end pagedown right left down up numlockclear kp_divide kp_multiply kp_minus kp_plus kp_enter kp_1 kp_2 kp_3 kp_4 kp_5 kp_6 kp_7 kp_8 kp_9 kp_0 kp_period nonusbackslash application power kp_equals f13 f14 f15 f16 f17 f18 f19 f20 f21 f22 f23 f24 exec help menu select stop again undo cut copy paste find mute volumeup volumedown lockingcapslock lockingnumlock lockingscrolllock kp_comma kp_equalsas400 international1 international2 international3 international4 international5 international6 international7 international8 international9 lang1 lang2 lang3 lang4 lang5 lang6 lang7 lang8 lang9 alterase sysreq cancel clear prior return2 separator out oper clearagain crsel exsel kp_00 kp_000 thousandsseparator decimalseparator currencyunit currencysubunit kp_leftparen kp_rightparen kp_leftbrace kp_rightbrace kp_tab kp_backspace kp_a kp_b kp_c kp_d kp_e kp_f kp_xor kp_power kp_percent kp_less kp_greater kp_ampersand kp_dblampersand kp_verticalbar kp_dblverticalbar kp_colon kp_hash kp_space kp_at kp_exclam kp_memstore kp_memrecall kp_memclear kp_memadd kp_memsubtract kp_memmultiply kp_memdivide kp_plusminus kp_clear kp_clearentry kp_binary kp_octal kp_decimal kp_hexadecimal lctrl lshift lalt lgui rctrl rshift ralt rgui font names ---------------------------------------------------------------- tahoma12 tahoma12b tahoma16 tahoma16b tahoma21 tahoma21b tahoma28 tahoma28b terminus12 terminus16 terminus16b terminus20 terminus20b terminus24 terminus24b terminus32 terminus32b