TL0 (src/TL0.s) primitive reader+compiler implemented in bytecode, using asembler macros to build the image for now only able to read lists, symbols (case sensitive) and integers all symbols 3char, all integers 3digit, no error cheking, no set, no multiple statements in a block, no dotted list, no quote only niceties u get are whitespace and comments syntax features op (builtin ops), if, lambda, letrec (opp, iff, lam, let) exists specifically to be implementable directly in bytecode in reasonabl time the bytecode is indented so u can see wtf is going on with arg lists reads a single list from stdin, compiles and saves image TL1 (src/TL1.tl0) written in TL0, and provides a slight usability improvement over it this time u get symbols and integers of any length, strings (no \), multiple statements, doted list, quote and set! syntax reads a single list from stdin, compiles and saves image TL2 (src/TL2.tl1) less primitive reader+compiler, written in TL1 syntax basic eror reporting reads all from stdin, ignoring macro definitions, insted using its own hardcoded let/or/and/cond etc, appends a (dump-image) call, transforms definitions into a gigantic letrec, then compiles and saves image not has compiler marcos, no replistic toplvl with o(1) load/store, so the TL3a image produced is ULTRA slow TL3a (src/TL3.tl2) advanced reader+compiler+eval+r5rs env, written in TL2/TL3 syntax can read and compile the full syntax, with macros and shit TL3.tl2 file is written in somwat weird way to alow it to be compiled with both TL2 and TL3, so in standard boostrap sequence u run TL3.tl2 file through vm 3 times (for good mesure) - TL3a TL3b and finally TL reads from stdin, execs (main-init) and dumps image with (main) as entry point to hardcoded path "TL3b" TL/TL3b (src/dump.scm, src/TL3.tl2) functionally same as TL3a exept fast and execs script from command line instead of dumping image this is the final stage, finished product redy for use reads and evals script specified on command line u can now bild new images with this one, see src/dump.scm